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905-829-0966 Oakville Halifax

Corporate Tax

Business Incorporation

MZ provides consulting services for the formation of federal companies and provincial companies, including the option of business form, the difference of tax rates for different organization types, active operation, and passive operation mode, etc.

Company Tax Planning

We provide professional and reasonable tax planning for different forms of businesses.

Bookkeeping Services

We provide monthly, quarterly and annually bookkeeping services.

Corporation Tax Filing

We provide a variety of tax filing services for businesses, including Corporate income tax (T2), GST/HST, Salary(T4), Dividends (T5). In addition, we provide monthly, quarterly and annual GST/HST tax reports and annual financial reports for small and medium enterprises.

Compilation Engagement & Audit Engagement

We prepare Notice to Reader Financial Statements (Compilation Report), Review Engagement, Audit Report, etc. for businesses.

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